Why, then, do some managers feel the need to not only tell
these top-notch, skilled individuals what to do, but how to do it? Sure, there’s
a learning curve at first to understand particulars of the organization and
the job.
Micromanagement is de-motivating. It takes away a person’s
incentive to apply themselves, to use their skills in the best way they know
how – because the boss is going to tell them the “right” way to do the job
It’s even worse when the employee has been doing their job
well for years, has a proven track record of success, and a new manager comes
in and assumes the employees need to be told what to do and how to do it.
Here’s a fresh idea. How about telling the employees what
the mission is, what objective needs to be met, and then get out of the way and
let them do it?
This is the basic principle behind the concept of servant
leadership. A true leader understands that the role of leadership is to enable
the work, not to “control” it.
The premise of servant leadership inverts the traditional
organizational chart where the boss is at the top with a hierarchical structure
below, decreasing in importance.
The servant leadership structure places the senior leader at
the bottom, providing the foundation that supports the rest of the
organization. He or she oversees the budgetary and other resources to make sure
the staff has what they need, and focuses on removing barriers to success. They
create an environment where people are encouraged to use their own initiative
to accomplish the task instead of worrying about what the boss will say.
Most importantly, servant leaders let their expert staff do
what they’re trained to do. These concepts are not new. The principles go back centuries and are mentioned in Chinese writings from 5th century BC, in Islamic teachings, and in the Christian Bible.
“Whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant.” Mark 10:43
I am sure that you, like me, have worked under a variety of
managers throughout your career. Think back about those who you consider the
best. Were they servant leaders?
Share your stories here.
If you want to know more about the modern movement in servant
leadership, read some of the work of Robert K. Greenleaf, Daniel Goleman and
Daniel H. Pink. I’ll be writing more about this topic in future blog posts. The concepts are part of the basis of many of my motivational leadership workshops, and I'll be speaking a bit about this in my joint keynote presentation with psychologist and emergent
communications expert Tim Tinker on June 13 at the National Association of Government Communicators 2014 Communication School in Washington, DC.